This summer, if you haven’t noticed, has been record-breaking with heat worldwide. I know personally for us, it was so hot last week, we couldn’t even leave the house! That’s how hot it was!
However, just because we were stuck inside doesn’t mean we didn’t have any fun! While being on the ever-present Roblox and the like can get old after a while, it’s always fun to do some activities that doesn’t take a lot of energy and are super fun.
I will divide this list into two posts – for things to do as a family and things to do as adults, solo style. Are you ready to steal these ideas? LFG!
Create no-bake treats
Let’s face it – in the summer, the last thing you want is to run the oven when you really don’t have to. There are a ton of no-bake treats you can make and it’ll be a fun, family activity!
Create an obstacle course!
It’ll be fun as long as you’re safe and mindful of stairs and sharp corners!
Create a pillow fort in the living room!
Because why not?
Start an indoor garden!
Herbs or other indoor-friendly plants. Plus, it’s a science lesson for the entire family!
Watch a movie
Because of the current Hollywood strikes, we’ve been catching up on a lot of movies and TV shows. We’re also discovering some hidden gems we didn’t know about.
Board games
If you don’t have any, you should get some. They’re relatively cheap, and they’re good (most wholesome) fun for everyone! Just watch out for the super competitors in your family!
Finger paint
Bear and I used to do this a lot and still do it from time to time. Who knows? You might have a future Basquiat in your home!
Host a playdate
Maybe your kid needs a break from you and vice-versa. Why not? Kids usually play by themselves and leave the adults alone.
Have a dance party!
Because why not? Come on! And here’s a song to get you started!
Catch your children up on reading
There’s always time to read no matter how hot it is outside.
Sort out old toys/clothes for donation.
You’re cleaning the house and being a good human at the same time. Can’t go wrong.
Interview your child.
Ask them meaningful questions that require an answer instead of, ‘just because.’ Kids love to talk about themselves and really like it when adults have interest in them!
Teach your child some chores.
Not a super fun activity, but it’ll teach them some responsibility.
So, there you have it! A list of super fun activities that don’t involve a hot oven or sweating outside. The next post will be activities you can do solo!